Thursday 9 March 2017

Don’t just speak, work towards that physique

If only words could burn calories, we all would be blessed with our dream bodies but sadly it’s not the case. The harsh reality is that there is no shortcut to fitness and most of our population is overweight or struggling to keep up with their health.

The current health scenario
The changing lifestyle over the years, demand more from us. Don't we all long to be fit? Well, the sedentary lifestyle doesn't quite allow us to reach our set goals all that easily.
Sitting on chairs all day long working on computers, binging on those sinful cheesy or fried treats, no proper timings for meals on a daily basis…they all just collectively add up to a perfect recipe for bulges and fat deposits which can be seen on everyone - almost.
What are we exactly focusing on?

Fitness is the key word here so lets pay a little deeper attention to it.
Most of us often confuse “not being obese” to “being fit”. This is the biggest misconception making the rounds these days.
Researchers state that in order to be fit an active lifestyle is a must which involves exercise as well as keeping the stamina intact. An average person needs to cover 15000 steps on a daily basis to keep their motor running. Not only does this keep our mind running and clear but also has so many health benefits.

Benefits of being fit - not only physical!
Though one has to know that diet and exercise go hand in hand, however the entire burden cannot be put on food alone. A 60:40 ratio needs to be maintained where any form of regular exercise routine could be helpful. Being fit has shown substantial health benefits such as reduced risk of heart attack and strokes, blood pressure, obesity etc. At a psychological level being fit and healthy changes the way others perceive us. This may further result in better confidence, self esteem and for some may also be a definition to self worth!

Health is surely wealth!
Keeping in view the above image now imagine if fitness could be more than just a lifestyle, it you could actually make it a career! There is a growing demand for qualified fitness instructors all over. The need of the hour is such where the demand is high and the supply cannot keep up hence health instructors are benefiting to a great extent. Today every other person we know to famous celebrities all have their personal trainers as the people are now getting conscious of not only how they look but also of the long term health benefits exercise has to offer.

For this, Sports Massage course are now being held worldwide.
Knowledge leads to power!
People from all over the globe come to learn, teach and spread awareness about the benefits and growing demand as well as future prospects of fitness at the same time understand how it can be carried forward as a great career option.

After undergoing the basic training one can further take up the opportunity to be qualified and take the next step to build their knowledge as well focus on the application of it by focusing on the fitness instructor courses to know their area of expertise or to find their area of interest.
Detailed courses related to sports are also present which focuses on the athletes wellbeing which could help the players pre or post their game at the same time teach therapies, massages which could heal their injuries or pains or speed up the healing process. 

Many such courses can be enrolled into such as the famous Sports massage course which could be that of 5 months or so depending on the level of expertise one wishes to acquire. Though these can all be applied for worldwide however the fitness instructor courses Ireland include almost all the above.

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